All supermarkets are beginning to show some awareness on food loss (before the supermarket/consumption stage) and/or food waste (from the supermarket stage onwards). Although supermarkets are starting to take action, clear definitions, measurable targets, and reports on these targets are often missing or still in development. Third parties are not involved to make estimates of the total food loss and waste, or to assess the supermarkets’ actions.
Delhaize is the only supermarket that has clear definitions of food waste and measurable targets with updated reports, making it the frontrunner in combating food waste.
Regarding donation and valorisation of food surplus, a number of good practices are being adopted. Initiatives include Aldi’s action plan against food waste, Lidl’s ‘Good taste, zero waste’, Carrefour’s ‘Zero waste box’, and Colruyt’s ‘enVie soep’. Action instigated by the supermarkets mostly focus on consumers. When it comes to reduction efforts earlier in the supply chain, collaborations and initiatives remain minimal.