AH Wrap gerookte zalm



The table below shows the sustainability themes for which the brand is transparent. It also shows which (top) certificates this product bears, and on which themes requirements are set.


Human rights

Animal welfare

With a quality mark, a brand can show that it is making efforts to make more sustainable products. Questionmark uses the definitions of top quality mark as established by Milieu Centraal.


ASC sets specific requirements for salmon farming, such as antibiotic use, fish feed, biodiversity protection, greenhouse gases, waste management and chemicals. Specific attention is paid to risks in the salmon chain, such as the risk of fish escaping and the prevention of diseases and parasites. Requirements are also set for suppliers of young salmon. ASC also monitors working conditions and dealing with local communities. The requirements that ASC sets for salmon growth - water quality, animal health and living space - have a positive effect on animal welfare.


It was not possible to calculate a health score for this product.

Nutritional facts

Energy (kcal)218kcal/100g
Saturated fat1.5g/100g
Energy (kJ)911kJ/100g
Unsaturated fat8.2g/100g


tarwebloem, zalm (21%), groente (friséesla, rettich), water, scharrelei (11%), plantaardige olie (raap, koolzaad), roomkaas, zout, suiker, voedingszuur (appelzuur (e296), citroenzuur (e330)), scharreleigeel, dextrose, zetmeel (maïs, aardappel), rijsmiddel (natriumcarbonaten (e500), difosfaten (e450)), azijn, conserveermiddel (gebufferde azijn (E267), natriumbenzoaat (e211), kaliumsorbaat (e202)), specerijen (mosterd), rook, dille, gemodificeerd maïszetmeel, verdikkingsmiddel (xanthaangom (e415)), meelverbeteraar (l-cysteïne (e920)), Waarvan toegevoegde suikers 1, 0g per 100 gram en waarvan toegevoegd zout 0, 93g per 100 gram


Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 01-10-2024.

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