MARS Chocolade met vulling 540 GRM Multi-pack (12 × 45g)
MARS Chocolade met vulling 540 GRM Multi-pack (12 × 45g)



There are no known top quality marks or sustainability measures for this product. This can mean that there are sustainability risks in the area of ​​the environment, human rights or animal welfare.


This product can be a weekly exception to an otherwise healthy diet.

  1. MARS Chocolade met vulling 540 GRM Multi-pack is not suitable for daily consumption.

    • You can eat MARS Chocolade met vulling 540 GRM Multi-pack as an extra. The advice is to do this at most three times a week.

      It contains

      • too much calories
      • too much saturated fat

    Scores are based on the guidelines of Schijf van Vijf from the Netherlands Nutrition Centre.

    About health scores

    Nutritional facts

    Energy (kJ)1889kJ/100g
    Saturated fat8.4g/100g
    Energy (kcal)450kcal/100g


    suiker, glucosestroop, volle melkpoeder, cacaoboter, cacaomassa, zonnebloemolie, magere melkpoeder, lactose, weipermeaat (van melk), magere cacao, gerstemoutextract, botervet (van melk), zout, emulgator (sojalecithine), kippenei-eiwitpoeder, palmvet, zetmeel, (Kan bevatten: HAZELNOOT, PINDA)


    Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 08-07-2024.

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