WC powergel (0.75L)



There are no known top quality marks or sustainability measures for this product. This can mean that there are sustainability risks in the area of ​​the environment, human rights or animal welfare.

Other certifications and marks 

These other certificates and logos do not meet the guidelines on reliability and transparency of Topkeurmerken as defined by Milieu Centraal.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
V - Vegetarisch



It was not possible to calculate a health score for this product.

Nutritional facts

There's not enough information available about nutrients on this product


water (> 30 %), citroenzuur (< 5 %), tri-sodium citraat, anionic oppervlaktemiddelen (kokosolie, alcohol, sulfaat), niet ionische oppervlaktemiddelen (sugar surfactant), Essentiele olien bevattende limonene, xanthan, chlorophyll


Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 03-10-2024.

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