AH Biologisch Snoepgroente tomaat (400g)
AH Biologisch
AH Biologisch Snoepgroente tomaat (400g)



The table below shows the sustainability themes for which the brand is transparent. It also shows which (top) certificates this product bears, and on which themes requirements are set.


Human rights

Animal welfare

With a quality mark, a brand can show that it is making efforts to make more sustainable products. Questionmark uses the definitions of top quality mark as established by Milieu Centraal.

Organic farming 

An important principle in organic agriculture is the fertility of the soil. For this reason, the label prohibits fertilizer and herbicides during the growth of crops and limits the use of other pesticides and cleaning agents. In addition, it requires crop rotation and sets requirements for the origin and properties of the seed. Conventional and organic products must also be separated during cultivation, harvesting, storage and transport.

Beter voor Natuur en Boer 

Albert Heijn heeft lang­durige samen­werkingen met bijna 450 melk­vee­houders, 100 varkens­boeren, 200 pluim­vee­hou­ders en 360 groente- en fruit­telers. Samen investeren ze in smaak, kwaliteit, innovatie, dieren­welzijn, klimaat en bio­diversiteit, vaak al generaties lang. Binnen het programma maken beide partijen afspraken over onder andere duur­zaam­heid, inno­vaties en het verdien­vermogen binnen de voedsel­keten. De basis is een gezonde prijs voor elke boer en teler, in elk seizoen. Klanten kunnen bewust kiezen voor de duurzamere keuze, door het ‘Beter voor Natuur & Boer’ logo op producten in de winkel.

Other certifications and marks 

These other certificates and logos do not meet the guidelines on reliability and transparency of Topkeurmerken as defined by Milieu Centraal.

AH Vegan 

AH Vegan


This product fits in a healthy diet.

  1. A healthy daily diet can contain vegetables like AH Biologisch Snoepgroente tomaat.

    Scores are based on the guidelines of Schijf van Vijf from the Netherlands Nutrition Centre.

    About health scores

    Nutritional facts

    Energy (kJ)128kJ/100g
    Saturated fat0.1g/100g
    Unsaturated fat0.5g/100g
    Vitamine C24mg/100g
    Energy (kcal)31kcal/100g


    Waarvan toegevoegde suikers 0.00g per 100 gram en waarvan toegevoegd zout 0.00g per 100 gram EU Landbouw


    Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 01-10-2024.

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