Vloeibaar bouillonblokje groente (150ml)
Kleinste Soepfabriek



The table below shows the sustainability themes for which the brand is transparent. It also shows which (top) certificates this product bears, and on which themes requirements are set.


Human rights

Animal welfare

With a quality mark, a brand can show that it is making efforts to make more sustainable products. Questionmark uses the definitions of top quality mark as established by Milieu Centraal.


The basis is the same as the requirements for the European certificate for organic farming, of which EKO is one of the founders. In addition, since March 2016, EKO has imposed the additional requirement that farmers, processors and traders formulate concrete improvement goals every three years on at least two sustainability themes from the EKO code. Farmers can choose from 8 themes, processors and traders from 10. Themes in the EKO code are, for example: energy and climate, animal welfare and animal health, biodiversity, nature and landscape, fair trade and other social aspects.

Organic farming 

An important principle in organic agriculture is the fertility of the soil. For this reason, the label prohibits fertilizer and herbicides during the growth of crops and limits the use of other pesticides and cleaning agents. In addition, it requires crop rotation and sets requirements for the origin and properties of the seed. Conventional and organic products must also be separated during cultivation, harvesting, storage and transport.

The organic certificate sets special requirements for poultry, which are different for laying hens, rearing hens and broilers (broilers, guinea fowls, ducks, turkeys and geese). It takes into account the specific needs of each type of animal. For these different types of poultry, 'Organic' imposes requirements on the origin of the animals, accommodation and outskirts, animal nutrition, healthcare and the age of slaughter. Part of the requirements is about animal welfare; organic animal products always receive 3 stars of the Beter Leven kenmerk.

Other certifications and marks 

These other certificates and logos do not meet the guidelines on reliability and transparency of Topkeurmerken as defined by Milieu Centraal.




It was not possible to calculate a health score for this product.

Nutritional facts

Energy (kJ)350kJ/100g
Energy (kcal)83kcal/100g
Saturated fat0.27g/100g


Groentebouillon Kleinstesoepfabriek* (wortel* (9%), prei* (8%), selderij* (5%), ui*, olijfolie*, knoflook*), water, zout, peterselie*, gistextract, waxy-maïszetmeel, zonnebloemolie*, uienpoeder*, wortelpoeder*, preipoeder*, knolselderijpoeder*, kruiden*, specerijen*, * = biologisch


Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 22-10-2024.

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