Stress vitamine B-complex forte



There are no known top quality marks or sustainability measures for this product. This can mean that there are sustainability risks in the area of ​​the environment, human rights or animal welfare.

Other certifications and marks 

These other certificates and logos do not meet the guidelines on reliability and transparency of Topkeurmerken as defined by Milieu Centraal.




It was not possible to calculate a health score for this product.

Nutritional facts

There's not enough information available about nutrients on this product


Een tablet bevat 2727 1vitamine B2 30 mg 2143 1niacinamide 150 mg 938 pantotheenzuur 200 mg 3333 1vitamine B6 10 mg 714 foliumzuur 400 mcg 200 1vitamine B12 50 mcg 2000 1biotine 150 mcg 300 cholinebitartraat 100 mg Inositol 100 mg PABA 30 mg Mineralen kalium 50 mg 2,5 Kruiden - planten Valeriana officinalisextract (30 mg) (% RI Vitaminen vitamine C* (ascorbinezuur), thiaminemononitraat, riboflavine, vitamine b3, calcium-d-pantothenaat, vit. b5, pyridoxaal-5-fosfaat, vitamine b11, cyanocobalamine, para-aminobenzoezuur, elementaire hoeveelheid, -citraat, bestanddelen, valeriaan, 63 mg (4) (valereenzuren (0,2%))), *RI = Referentie Inname Ingredienten: vitaminen, maltodextrine, vulstof (microkristallijne cellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose), kaliumcitraat, inositol, cholinebitartraat, Valeriana officinalisextract, antiklontermiddel (siliciumdioxide, stearinezuur, magnesiumstearaat), PABA, glansmiddel (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, glycerine), verstevigingsmiddel (acaciagom)


Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 01-07-2024.

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