Pompoenmosterdsoep (Pot, 40cl)
Kleinste Soepfabriek
Kleinste Soepfabriek is transparent through Questionmark
Pompoenmosterdsoep (Pot, 40cl)


General areas of concern

The following topics have been determined as most important areas of attention, based on scientific research.


Animal welfare

Important areas of attention for animal welfare are painful procedures, animal health, and transport and slaughter.

When animal ingredients are used in compound products, these are important points of attention in the area of animal welfare:

  • Potentially painful procedures. Such as dehorning of cattle, felling of beaks of poultry, docking of piglet tails.
  • Animal health through housing, food and proper handling of the animals
  • Transport and slaughter methods


Important areas of attention for environment are greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and food waste.

The production of compound food and beverages can have a major impact on the environment. Important areas of attention during production are:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions due to deforestation, use of fossil fuels, use of plant protection products and manure
  • Water depletion and water pollution
  • Food waste due to incorrect processing and storage of products

Human rights

Important areas of attention for human rights are safety and health and discrimination.

Human rights violations can occur during the production of compound drinks and food. Important areas of attention with regard to human rights are:

  • Safety and health of employees and employee rights
  • Discrimination, where female and migrant workers in particular face the risk of a lower salary and other forms of discrimination



Human rights

Animal welfare

With a quality mark, a brand can show that it is making efforts to make more sustainable products. Questionmark uses the definitions of top quality mark as established by Milieu Centraal.


The basis is the same as the requirements for the European certificate for organic farming, of which EKO is one of the founders. In addition, since March 2016, EKO has imposed the additional requirement that farmers, processors and traders formulate concrete improvement goals every three years on at least two sustainability themes from the EKO code. Farmers can choose from 8 themes, processors and traders from 10. Themes in the EKO code are, for example: energy and climate, animal welfare and animal health, biodiversity, nature and landscape, fair trade and other social aspects.

Organic farming 

An important principle in organic agriculture is the fertility of the soil. For this reason, the label prohibits fertilizer and herbicides during the growth of crops and limits the use of other pesticides and cleaning agents. In addition, it requires crop rotation and sets requirements for the origin and properties of the seed. Conventional and organic products must also be separated during cultivation, harvesting, storage and transport.

Other certifications and marks 

These other certificates and logos do not meet the guidelines on reliability and transparency of Topkeurmerken as defined by Milieu Centraal.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
V - Vegetarisch



Measures taken by Kleinste Soepfabriek

Before the product is in your hands, it has had a long journey. Here you see the most important steps of this journey through the supply chain. Each step in the chain shows what Kleinste Soepfabriek indicates to do to mitigate issues in that step. You can see measures required by a top-certificate, by selecting the appropriate filter. You can also see what a brand does extra, by filtering on 'own measures'.

Filter on:
  • Agriculture and animal husbandry
      Own measures
    • No palm oil, palm kernel oil, or ingredient derived from the oil palm is used for this product.

    • The soy in this product is certified as follows:

      • For 100% of the used soy, Kleinste Soepfabriek has control over sustainability risks. This soy is organic and comes from the United States, where soy cultivation does not cause large-scale deforestation such as in Brazil.

    • Kleinste Soepfabriek streeft naar eerlijke handel en leefbaar loon voor arbeiders:

      • 32% van de belangrijke ingrediënten is afkomstig van kwekerijen/boerderijen die een vooraf afgesproken minimumprijs ontvangen als de grondstoffenprijzen op de markt dalen. These ingredients come from the Netherlands, where a legal minimum wage applies.

    • Certificate Organic farming
    • Preventing pests and diseases is mostly done by crop rotation and/or cultivation methods. For controlling weeds, weeding or the use of natural enemies are preferred. Only as a supplement to these methods does the Organic label allow a limited number of plant protection products.

    • The farm has an environmental -, health - and safety program to minimize the impact of plant protection products on people and environment.

    • The seeds, cuttings and/or seed potatoes used are of organic origin. If a variety is not biologically available, an exemption is required.

    • All manure and/or compost used on the farm is organic and unprocessed.

    • Plants are grown in the **soil and not on an (artificial) substrate.

    • Plant enhancers are not used in organic farming unless they appear on the (limited) EU list of least harmful substances.

    • For the cleaning of buildings, installations and machines, products permitted for organic farming appear on the (limited) EU list with least harmful substances.

    • The farms have a biodiversity management plan in place based on an assessment of the biodiversity on and around the agricultural area.

    Show all (11)
  • Processing
      Own measures
    • Kleinste Soepfabriek houdt bij wat de letsel- en ziektepercentages zijn binnen eigen bedrijven of onderaannemers die het eindproduct maken:

      • In de afgelopen twaalf maanden was het letsel- en ziektepercentage 0%, binnen eigen productiebedrijven of productie via onderaannemers. Samen zijn deze verantwoordelijk zijn voor 100% van het voor Kleinste Soepfabriek geproduceerde product. Er is geen enkel geval van ziekte of letsel geweest.

  • Packaging
      Own measures
    • Kleinste Soepfabriek rapporteert over de verschillende aspecten van de milieu-impact van de verpakking van het product:

      • 94.5% van de productverpakking bestaat uit gerecyclede materialen. All soups are in fact recycled glass. Only for the lid it is uncertain if it is made from recycled tin.

    • Kleinste Soepfabriek has set goals regarding the production and design of the packaging:

      • 100% of the packaging of the end product can be reused. The pot may be disposed of as recyclable glass.

  • Distribution
      There is no information about efforts in this step.
    • Consumption and waste
        The main focus areas for this product are not in this step.
      • Chain-wide measures
        • Kleinste Soepfabriek heeft in kaart gebracht waar de belangrijke ingrediënten vandaan komen:

          • Van 94.9% weet Kleinste Soepfabriek uit welk land het afkomstig is. Binnen Europa is niet altijd bekend om welk land het precies gaat, buiten Europa wel.

          • Van 5.1% weet Kleinste Soepfabriek van welke plantage/kwekerij/boerderij het afkomstig is. Het varkensvlees komt namelijk allemaal van biologische boerderij Arkema uit Noordbroek.

      Kleinste Soepfabriek on their sustainability:

      Door het gebruik van mooie biologische ingrediënten en de 658 zonnepanelen op het dak proberen wij een bijdrage te leveren aan een duurzamere wereld voor de volgende generaties.

      Michel Jansen, directeur Kleinste Soepfabriek


      This product can be a weekly exception to an otherwise healthy diet.

      1. Soup like Pompoenmosterdsoep is not fit to be part of your daily diet.

        • You can eat Pompoenmosterdsoep as an extra. The advice is to do this at most three times a week.

          It contains

          • too much calories
          • too much salt

        Scores are based on the guidelines of Schijf van Vijf from the Netherlands Nutrition Centre.

        About health scores

        Nutritional facts

        Energy (kcal)22kcal/100ml
        Energy (kJ)90kJ/100ml
        Saturated fat0.2g/100ml


        pompoen* (63%), water, ui*, zonnebloemolie*, mosterd* (4%) (mosterdzaden*, azijn*), zout, gistextract, bladselderij*, peper*, nootmuskaat*, * = biologisch


        Product label information like ingredients, nutrients and certifications are gathered from different data sources. Last changed at 22-10-2024.

        To identify the areas of attention in this production chain, Questionmark uses the method of The Sustainability Consortium. The information on measures for these areas of attention was provided by Kleinste Soepfabriek on 12-09-2019. Questionmark has asked the board of Kleinste Soepfabriek to guarantee accurate and trustworthy information. Additionally, Kleinste Soepfabriek takes measures required for the Organic farming certificate and the EKO certificate. These measures may partially overlap.

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